Sunday, July 19, 2015

Yellowstone Park Skype

zoo drawings

                 I shared my picture with the people at Yellowstone.  They liked it!  It was so much fun learning about animals! 

Standard 2-2 How does an animal's ability to meet its needs help it to survive in its  environment?
                    Standard 2.L.5B.1    How do plants and animals interact in their habitat?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Can you draw the life cycle of the butterfly or frog? 

                                                                 We have been observing the life         cycle of the butterfly.
                     Cool video!
Frog facts


                                                                          Fun Song!
                                                                                                                                                           Standard  2.L.5A.3   What are some animal life cycles?                                                      

How do animals survive in their habitat?

I put my hand in ice water and used a thermometer to see how cold it was.  It was freezing!  Then I wrapped the blubber bag around my hand and put it in the ice water.  My hand was not freezing!  COOL!

Whales stay warm because of their blubber.  I don’t have blubber. I use a coat to stay warm outside.

                     Standard  2. L.5A.2 What are some special animal body parts that help them survive?

How do scientists classify mammals and insects?

A close up photo of a dragonfly showing its beautiful but fragile wings.


                       Insects have 6 legs, antennae, and wings.

                 Mammals are born live just like me. They are warm blooded                                            and are vertebrates.
                             Standard 2.L.5A.1   How can you classify animals? 

How do scientists classify fish and birds?


Birds have feathers.  They build a nest in a tree. 

    Fish live in water.  Fish have a backbone. They are vertebrates.
Fish breathe using gills.  Some fish have scales.

Fish Video on YouTube  

Standard 2.L.5A.1   How can you classify animals?   

What are some ways scientists classify amphibians and reptiles?

 I learned that frogs have skin that is smooth and slimy.  They are cold blooded and are vertebrates.  That means they have a backbone just like me.

Did you know that snakes smell with their tongue? Snakes are covered in scales.  Snakeskin is smooth and dry. They are reptiles.

Standard 2.L.5A.1   How can you classify animals?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

What do all animals need to stay alive?

A start of a book for a unit over what living things need in order to survive. This will go hand in hand with science and problem solving.
                           We made posters together with our friends

                Standard (2-2.1) What are the basic needs of animals and what do they use them for?